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blind rivets
blind rivets
AFT - aluminium/steel - dome head
AFT 45 - aluminium/steel - dome head - protrusion 45mm
AAT - aluminium/aluminium - dome head
AIT - aluminiun/stainless steel Aisi 304 - dome head
FFT - steel/steel - dome head
RFT - copper/steel - dome head
ROT - copper/brass - dome head
RBT - copper/bronze - dome head
RZFT - zinc plated copper/steel - dome head
XIT - cupronickel (Cu 90%-Ni 10%)/stainless steel - DH
IITA2 - stainless steel A2/stainless steel A2 - DH
IITA4 - stainless steel A4/stainless steel A4 - DH
MIT - monel (Ni 70%-Cu 30%)/stainless steel - DH
AFS - aluminium/steel - countersunk head
FFS - steel/steel - CH
XIS - cupronickel (Cu 90%-Ni 10%)/stainless steel - CH
IISA2 - stainless steel A2/stainless steel A2 - CH
AFL - aluminium/steel - large head
FFL - steel/steel - large head
RFL - copper/steel - large head
ROL - copper/brass - large head
IILA2 - stainless steel A2/stainless steel A2 - LH
AILA2- aluminiun/stainless steel Aisi 304 - large head
coloured blind rivets
AFTC1013 - alu RAL 1013/steel - DH
AFTC3000 - alu RAL3000/steel - DH
AFTC3009 - alu RAL 3009/steel - DH
AFTC5010 - alu RAL 5010/steel - DH
AFTC5013 - alu RAL 5013/steel - DH
AFTC6005 - alu RAL 6005/steel - DH
AFTC6019 - alu RAL 6019/steel - DH
AFTC7012 - alu RAL7012/steel - DH
AFTC7016 - alu RAL7016/steel - DH
AFTC7037 - alu RAL7037/steel - DH
AFTC7044 - alu RAL 7044/steel - DH
AFTC8004 - alu RAL 8004/steel - DH
AFTC8017 - alu RAL 8017/steel - DH
AFTC8019 - alu RAL 8019/steel - DH
AFTCMARC - alu corten brown/steel – DH
AFTC9002 - alu RAL 9002/steel - DH
AFTC9005 - alu RAL 9005/steel - DH
AFTC9006 - alu RAL 9006/steel - DH
AFTCWHITE - alu RAL 9010/steel - DH
AFTCOPPER - alu copper/steel - DH
AFTCGREEN - alu green/steel - DH
AFTCGREY - alu grey/steel - DH
AFLC9002- alu RAL 9002/steel - LH
AFLC9005 - alu RAL 9005/steel - LH
AITC9006 - alu RAL 9006/stainless steel - DH
FFTC1013 - steel RAL1013/steel - DH
FFTC3009 - steel RAL3009/steel - DH
FFTC7016 - steel RAL7016/steel - DH
FFTC7037 - steel RAL7037/steel - DH
FFTC8019 - steel RAL8019/steel - DH
FFTC9002 - steel RAL9002/steel - DH
FFTC9010 - steel RAL9010/steel - DH
sealed rivets
SAFT - aluminiun/unprocessed plated steel - dome head
SAIT - aluminium/stainless steel Aisi 420 - dome head
SFFT - steel/steel - dome head
SRFT - copper/steel - dome head
SRIT - copper/stainless steel A2 - dome head
SIIT - stainless steel A2/stainless steel 420 - DH
SAFS - aluminiun/steel - countersunk head
SAIS - aluminium/stainless steel Aisi 420 - CH
SAFL - aluminiun/steel - large head
SIIL - stainless steel A2/stainless steel 420 - LH
caps for rivets
CRS - plastic materials - for dome head blind rivets
structural rivets
KAAT - aluminiun/aluminium - dome head
KFFT - steel/steel - dome head
KIIT - stainless steel A2/stainless steel A2 - DH
KAAS - aluminiun/aluminium - countersunk head
KFFS - steel/steel - countersunk head
KIIS - stainless steel A2/stainless steel A2 - countersunk head
KGFFT - steel/steel - dome head
BAAT - aluminium/aluminium - dome head
BFFT - steel/steel - dome head
BIIT - stainless steel A2/stainless steel A2 - DH
BAAS - aluminium/aluminium - countersunk head
BFFS - steel/steel - countersunk head
BIIS - stainless steel A2/stainless steel A2 - countersunk head
OAAT - aluminium/aluminium - dome head
OFFT - steel/steel - dome head
OIIT - stainless steel A2/stainless steel A2 - DH
OAAS - aluminium/aluminium - countersunk head
OFFS - steel/steel - countersunk head
OIIS - stainless steel A2/stainless steel A2 - CH
OFFL - steel/steel - large head
OFFTPLUS - steel/steel - dome head
RIIT - stainless steel A2/stainless steel Aisi 321 - dome head
BUFFT - steel/steel - dome head
FLFFS – steel/steel - CLH
caps for Lockriv rivets
CRO - plastic material - for Lockriv rivets
special rivets
UAIT3009 - alu RAL3009/stainless steel A2 - DH
UAIT6005 - alu RAL6005/stainless steel A2 - DH
UAIT7012 - alu RAL7012/stainless steel A2 - DH
UAIT8017 - alu RAL8017/stainless steel A2 - DH
UAIT9002 - alu RAL9002/stainless steel A2 - DH
UFFT - steel/steel - dome head
MGAFT - aluminium/steel - dome head
MGAFT9005 - aluminium RAL9005/steel - DH
MGAFT9010 - aluminium RAL9010/steel - DH
MGAIT - aluminium/stainless steel A2 - dome head
MGFFT - steel/steel - dome head
MGRFT - copper/copper steel - DH
MGIIT - stainless steel A2/stainless steel A2 - DH
MGAFS – aluminium/steel - countersunk head
MGAFL - aluminium/steel - large head
MGFFL - steel/steel - large head
GAFT - alluminium/steel - dome head
FAFT - aluminium/steel - dome head
FAFTPLUS - aluminium/steel - dome head
FAFTPAN - alluminium/steel - dome head
FAFT5015 - aluminium RAL 5015/steel - DH
FAFT8017 - aluminium RAL8017/steel - DH
FAFT9002 - aluminium RAL9002/steel - DH
FAFT9005 - aluminium RAL9005/steel - DH
FAFT9010 - aluminium RAL 9010/steel - DH
FAFL - aluminium/steel - large head
FRFL - copper/steel - large head
FAFL9005 - aluminium RAL9005/steel - LH
TAAT - aluminium/aluminium - dome head
TAAT9005 – aluminium RAL9005/aluminium - dome head
TAATL - aluminium/aluminium - large head
GTAAT - aluminiun/aluminiun - dome head
GTAAL - aluminiun/aluminiun - large head
FIL - steel/steel
MAS1/90S - copper/coppered steel - brass faston 1 terminal 90°
MAS2/90S - copper/coppered steel - brass faston 2 terminals 90°
MAS4/90S - copper/coppered steel - brass faston 4 terminals 90°
MAS1/45R - copper/copper steel - brass faston 1 terminal 45°
MAS2/90R - copper/coppered steel - brass faston 2 terminals 90°
MAS2/90ST - steel/steel - brass faston 2 terminals 90°
MAS1/45B - 1 terminal 45° brass/coppered steel
MAS2/45B - 2 terminals 45° brass/coppered steel
SMAS1/90 - brass (1 terminal 90°)/copper body/steel
CANAF - aluminium/steel - DH - aluminium tubular component
CANFF - steel/steel - DH - aluminium tubular component
SPHA - aluminium/steel – spheric dome head
PTR - black nylon 6.6/black acetate - dome head
PTL - black nylon 6.6/black acetate - large head
PST - neutral 6,6 nylon/neutral 6,6 nylon - dome head
Boxriv Service line (blister)
standard blind rivets (box)
AFTBOXRIV - aluminium/steel - dome head
AFLBOXRIV - aluminium/steel - large head
RFTBOXRIV - copper/steel - dome head
ROTBOXRIV - copper/brass - dome head
RBTBOXRIV - copper/bronze - dome head
RFLBOXRIV - copper/steel - large head
IITA2BOXRIV - stainless steel A2/stainless steel A2 – DH
IILA2BOXRIV - stainless steel A2/stainless steel A2 – LH
IISA2BOXRIV - stainless steel A2/stainless steel A2 – CH
XITBOXRIV - cupronickel (Cu 90%-Ni 10%)/stainless steel – DH
XILBOXRIV - cupronickel (Cu 90%-Ni 10%)/stainless steel – LH
FFTBOXRIV - steel/steel - dome head
standard blind rivets (pouch)
AFTBLISTRIV - aluminium/steel - DH
RFTBLISTRIV - copper/steel - dome head
RFLBLISTRIV - copper/steel - large head
ROTBLISTRIV - copper/brass - dome head
RBTBLISTRIV - copper/bronze - dome head
IITBLISTRIV - stainless steel AISI 304/stainless steel - DH
XITBLISTRIV - cupronickel/stainless steel - dome head
XILBLISTRIV - cupronickel/stainless steel - large head
coloured stardard rivets (box)
AFLC9005-BOXRIV - RAL9005 - alu/steel – LH
AFTC9005-BOXRIV - alu RAL 9005/steel - DH
AFTC9010-BOXRIV - alu RAL 9010/steel - DH
AFTC9002-BOXRIV - alu RAL 9002/steel – DH
AFTC9006-BOXRIV - alu RAL 9006/steel – DH
AFTC6005-BOXRIV - alu RAL 6005/steel – DH
AFTC3009-BOXRIV - alu RAL 3009/steel – DH
AFTC8004-BOXRIV - alu RAL 8004/steel – DH
AFTC8017-BOXRIV - alu RAL 8017/steel – DH
AFTCOPPER-BOXRIV - alu copper/steel - DH
AFTCGREEN-BOXRIV - alu green/steel – DH
AFTCGREY-BOXRIV - alu grey/steel – DH
coloured standard rivets (pouch)
AFT6005-BLISTRIV - aluminium/steel - DH
AFT8004-BLISTRIV - aluminium/steel – DH
AFT8017-BLISTRIV - aluminium/steel - DH
AFT8019-BLISTRIV - aluminium/steel - DH
AFT9002-BLISTRIV - aluminium/steel - DH
AFTWHITE-BLISTRIV - aluminium/steel - DH
AFTCOPPER - aluminium/steel - DH
AFTGREEN-BLISTRIV - aluminium/steel - DH
AFTGREY-BLISTRIV - aluminium/steel - DH
AFT7016-BLISTRIV - aluminium/steel - DH
AFTMARC-BLISTRIV - aluminium/steel – DH
FFTC3009 – BLISTRIV - steel/steel – DH
FFTC8019 – BLISTRIV - steel /steel – DH
FFTC9010 – BLISTRIV - steel /steel - DH
FFTC1013 - BLISTRIV - steel/steel – DH
FFTC9002 – BLISTRIV - steel /steel – DH
sealed standard rivets (box)
SAIT-BOXRIV - aluminium/stainless steel Aisi 420 – DH
SAIS-BOXRIV - aluminium /stainless steel Aisi 420 – CH
SIIT-BOXRIV - stainless steel Aisi 304/stainless steel 420 – DH
SRFT-BOXRIV - copper/steel - DH
SIIL-BOXRIV - stainless steel Aisi 304/stainless steel 420 – LH
special rivets (box)
FAFT-BOXRIV - aluminium/steel - dome head
FAFT5015-BOXRIV - aluminium RAL 5015/steel – DH
UAIT-BOXRIV - aluminium/stainless steel - DH
MGIIT-BOXRIV – s/steel Aisi 304/stainless steel – DH
steel rivet nuts (box)
FTC-Z-BOXRIV - steel - open knurled cylind. shank – DH
FRC-Z-BOXRIV - steel - open knurled cylind. shank – RH
stainless steel rivet nuts (box)
ITC-Z/A2-BOXRIV - stainless steel A2 - open knurled cyl. shank-DH
IRC-Z-A2-BOXRIV - stainless steel A2 - open knurled cylindrical shank – RH
aluminium rivet nuts (box)
ATC-BOXRIV - alluminium - open cylindrical shank – DH
brass rivet nuts (box)
OTC-BOXRIV - brass - open cylindrical shank – DH
Jackriv rivet nuts (box)
JKF-BOXRIV - zinc coated steel - dome head
JKI/A4-BOXRIV - stainless steel Aisi 316 - dome head
rivets in cartridge
BR rivets in cartridge
BRAT - aluminium - dome head
BRATC - black aluminium - dome head
BRFT - steel - dome head
BRIT - stainless steel - dome head
BRAS - aluminium - countersunk head
BRFS - steel - countersunk head
CH rivets in cartridge
CHAT – aluminium – dome head
CHFS – steel – countersunk head
SC rivets in cartridge
SCFT – steel – dome head
mandrels for BR rivets
mandrels for CH and SC rivets
springs, cursors and clamps
solid rivets
RP TBN - normal round head steel
RP TBN - normal round head copper
semitubolar rivets
RS TBN - special semi-tubolar rivets steel (special)
self-tapping rivets
drive blind rivets
RFCA - fasteners with cap
RFCO - drive rivets
eye lets
unified eye lets
OU - brass
unified rivets
rivet nuts
Rivsert steel
FTC - steel - open cylindrical shank - DH
FRC - steel - open cylindrical shank - RH
FRC-P - steel - open cylindrical shank - RH - inch
FSC - steel - open cyl. shank – CH
FTC-Z - steel - open knurled cylindrical shank - DH
FRC-Z - steel - open knurled cylindrical shank - RH
FSC-Z - steel - open knurled cyl. shank - CH
FTEP - steel - open semi-hexag. shank - DH
FREP - steel - open semi-hexag. shank - RH
FREPT - steel - open semi-hexag. shank – RH
FREP-P - steel - open semihexag. shank - RH
FTE - steel - open hexagonal shank - DH
FRE - steel - open hexagonal shank - RH
SFTC - steel - closed end cylindrical shank - DH
SFSC - steel - closed end cylindrical shank - CH
SFTC-Z - steel - closed end knurled cyl. shank-DH
SFRC-Z - steel - closed end knurled cyl. shank - RH
SFSC-Z - steel - closed end knurled cyl. shank - CH
SFTE - steel - closed end hexagonal shank - DH
SFRE - steel - closed end hexagonal shank - RH
Rivsert stainless steel
ITCA2 - stainless steel A2 - open cylindrical shank - DH
IRCA2 - stainless steel A2 - open cylindrical shank - RH
IRC-PA2 - stainless steel A2 - open cylindrical shank - RH - inches
ISCA2 - stainless steel A2 - open cylindrical shank - CH
ITCA4 - stainless steel A4 - open cylindrical shank – DH
IRCA4 - stainless steel A4 - open cylindrical shank - RH
ITC-Z-A2 - stainless steel A2 - open knurled cyl. shank-DH
IRC-Z-A2 - stainless steel A2 - open knurled cyl. shank - RH
ISC-Z-A2 - stainless steel A2 - open knurled cyl. shank - CH
ITC-Z-A4 - stainless steel A4 - open knurled cyl. shank-DH
IRC-Z-A4 - stainless steel A4 - open knurled cyl. shank – RH
ITEPA2 - A2 stainless steel - open semi-hexag. shank - DH
IREPA2 - A2 stainless steel - open semi-hexag. shank - RH
ITEPA4 – A4 stainless steel - open semi-hexag.l shank - DH
IREPA4 – A4 s/steel - open semi-hexag. shank - RH
IREPTA2 - A2 stainless steel - open semi-hexag. shank - RH
SITCA2 - A2 s/steel - closed end cylindrical shank - DH
SIRC--A2 - A2 s/steel - closed end cylindrical shank- RH
SITC-Z-A2 - A2 s/steel - closed end cylindrical shank - DH
SIRC-Z-A2 - A2 s/steel - closed end knurled cyl. shank- RH
SITEPA2 - A2 s/steel - closed end semi-hex shank - DH
SIREPA2 - A2 s/steel - closed end semi-hex. shank - RH
SIREPA4 - A4 s/steel - closed end semi-hex. shank - RH
STREP-GA4 - A4 s/steel - closed end semi-hex. shank - DH - washer
Rivsert alluminium
ATC - aluminium - open cylindrical shank - DH
ARC - aluminium - open cylindrical shank - RH
ASC - alluminium - open cylindrical shank - CH
SATC - aluminium - closed end cylindrical shank - DH
Rivsert brass
OTC - brass - open cylindrical shank - DH
FLC-Z - steel - open knurled cylindrical shank – LH
FLE - steel - open hexagonal shank – TL
FRTH - steel - open cylindrical shank - reduced head
JKF - steel - open cylindrical shank - DH
JKI/A4 - A4 stainless steel - open cylindrical shank - DH
SQF - steel – open square shank - DH
TBF - zinc plated steel - open cylindrical shank
NPTC - neoprene - anti-chatter - brass rivet nuts - DH
BFTC - steel - cylindrical shank - DH
BFTC-Z - steel – knurled cylindrical shank – DH
BITEP-A2 - A2 stainless steel - semihexagonal shank - DH
BITC-Z-A2 - A2 stainless steel - cylindrical shank - DH
BFTE - steel - hexagonal shank - DH
FTCD - steel - cylindrical shank - spacing DH
NBRC - nylon - aluminium rivet nut - DH
cage nuts
DGQFF - steel nut - steel cage
DGQFX - steel nut - stainless steel cage
DGQXX - stainless steel nut - stainless steel cage
round cage nut
DGF – frontal abbembly cage nuts
spring clips
U-nuts for self-threading screws
U-nuts for metric screws
deep threaded U-nuts for metric screws
PMB310/410 - deep threaded U-nuts for metric screws - but 310-410series
MPS –spring latches and ball studs
RLFT - zinc plated steel - dome head
RLAT - aluminium - dome head
RLXT - stainless steel - dome head
RLFS - zinc plated steel - countersunk head
RLAS - aluminium - countersunk head
RGFT - zinc plated steel - dome head
RGAT - aluminium - dome head
RGFS - zinc plated steel - countersunk head
collars for Rivlock
RLFCS - zinc plated standard collar
RLACS - aluminium standard collar
RLXCS - stainless steel standard collar
RLFCF - zinc plated flanged collar
RLACF - aluminium flanged collar
RLXCF - stainless steel flanged collar
RLFCB - zinc plated steel low profile collar
collars for Rivlockgrip
RGFC - steel collar
RGAC - aluminium collar
collars for Rivtainer
welding studs
threaded studs
PFR - copper plated steel
PFX - stainless steel
PFA - aluminium Mg3
PFO - brass
PERCP - copper plated steel with coarse pitch and tip
PERSP - copper plated steel with coarse pitch and without tip
self tapping studs
PFRA - copper plated steel
unthreaded studs
PLR - copper plated steel
PLX - stainless steel
PLA - aluminium
tapped studs
BFR - copper plated steel
BFX - stainless steel
BFA - aluminium
BFO - brass
F1R - copper plated steel
F2R - copper plated steel
F1X - stainless steel
F2X – stainless steel
F1A - aluminium
F1O - brass
insulation nails and washers
IPL - copper plated steel-plain nails
IPZ - copper plated steel-knurled nails
IPS – plain copper plated steel nails
RR - copper plated steel washer
RZ - steel washer
RP50 – polypropylene washers
rivet nuts for plastic, wood, light alloy
for thermoplastic materials
RSL-RHSL - brass - heating
RFL-RHFL - brass - pression fitting
RPLK - brass - pression fitting
RBL - brass - pression fitting
RHBL-RHBLR - brass - pression fitting
RSP - brass - pression fitting
self tapping
for wood
for light metals and alloys
RSCT - temperated steel
RSCT-X – stainless steel
RSCT-O – brass
RSCF-F – temperated steel – metal, synthetics materials – short
RSCF-F – temperated steel - metal and synthetics materials – long
RSCF-X – stainless steel - metal, synthetics materials – short
helical threads
self locking – stainless steel
Keiriv - thin walls
Keiriv - large walls
male - female
DMFZB-zinc plated steel spacer
female - female
DFFZB-zinc plated steel spacer
nails and staples
coil nails and tools
nails and nailers
tools for fasteners
for blind rivets
hand tools
pneumatic tools
battery powered tools
for rivet nuts
hand tools
pneumatic tools
battery powered tools
Controlriv system
for blind rivets
for rivet nuts
for blind rivets
for rivet nuts
for blind rivets
for rivet nuts
automatic system
RIV601 for rivets
RIV602 for speed rivets
RIV603 for rivet nuts
RIV606 - automatic feeder for blind rivets
RIV616 - automatic feeder for rivet nuts
RIV609 - automatic system tool for blind rivets
RIV626 - automatic feeder for Rivbolt rivet nuts
for rivets
for eyelets
hand tools
bolts and screws
steel screws
TCLEXI hexagon socket ultra-low head cap
VTET hex head set screws DIN933 UNI5739 ISO4017
VTTQST carriage bolts DIN603 UNI5731/5732
TTQDE mushroom head square neck with nut DIN603 UNI5732 ISO8677
VTEFR hex head screw with flange DIN6921
VSCB screws with beads for projection welding FIAT10453
VTED wing screws DIN316 UNI5449
VTC- slotted cheese head screws DIN84A UNI6107 ISO1207
VSP- slotted csk head screws DIN963A UNI6109 ISO2009
VTC+ cross recessed ph screws DIN7985 UNI7687 ISO7045
VTSP+ cross recessed csk head screws DIN965 UNI7688 ISO7046
TCX hexalobular pan head screws TX ISO14583
TSPX hexalobular countersunk head screw TX ISO14581
VTBL+ recessed large pan head screw
TBLC Combi large truss head screw
TBLFC Combi flange large truss head screw
VTCT+recessed pan head trilobular screw DIN7500C
TTCX thread rolling hexabobular pan head screw DIN7500C UNI8112 ISO15480
VSPT+ countersunk flat trilobular screw DIN7500M
TTSZ+ thread rolling PZ csk head screw DIN7500M UNI8113 ISO15480
VTET+ hex head trilobular screw DIN7500D
VTCEIT trilobular socket cap screw DIN7500E
self-tapping screws
ATC+ cross recessed pan head tapping screw DIN7981 UNI6954
ATCPT+ socket head cap tapping screw cut off pin DIN7981/F
ATBL+ large pan head tapping screw
ATCX hexalobular pan head self-tapping screw UNI6954 DIN7981 ISO14585
ATSP+ cross recessed csk tapping screw DIN7982 UNI6955
ATGS+ cross recessed rsd tapping screw DIN7983 UNI6956
ABLF+ PH flange truss head self-tapping screw DIN968
ATEFR hex head tapping screw with collar UNI6950
ATCCE hex socket head cap tapping screw UNI6947
selfdrilling screws
PTC+ plan head selfdrilling screws DIN7504N UNI8118
TCTX pan head selfdrilling screws
PTSP+ csk selfdrilling screws DIN7504P UNI8119
TSPTX csk head selfdrilling screws with pins
FTCFR+ plan head self-drilling screws with false washer and trapezoidal head
VTCXFR TX pan head self-drilling screws with false whaser
PTEFR hex selfdrilling screws DIN7504K UNI8117
PTEFR12 hex self-drilling screws
SDTW-A19 fox fixing panels with aluminium washer d.19 for wood
SDT14-A19 fox fixing carbon steel panels with aluminium washer d.19
SDT5-A19 fox fixing panels with aluminium washer d.19
PTPT - extra-flat round head PH drill bit
TTC+ cross recessed pan head chipboard screws DIN7505B
TTSP+ cross recessed csk chipboard screws DIN7505A
TTGS+ cross recessed rsd chipboard screws DIN7505C
CPBLX hexalobular carpentry wood screw truss flange head
TTSPX cross recessed TX countersinking chipboard screws
TTSPX2P flat head chipboard screw with double thread
DEA hexagon nuts UNI5587
DEAF high hexagon nuts UNI5587 DIN267 ISO8764 fine
DEM hexagon nuts DIN934 UNI5588
DEMF hexagon nuts DIN934 UNI5588 ISO8673 fine
DEB hexagon thin nuts DIN936 UNI5589
DEBF hexagon thin nuts DIN936 UNI5589 ISO8675 fine
DEAA nylon insert nut type P DIN982 UNI7473
DEAAF prevailing torque type hexagon nut DIN982 UNI7473 ISO7040 fine
DEAB nylon insert nut type T DIN985 UNI7474
DEABF prevailing torque type hexagon nut DIN985 UNI7474 ISO10511 fine
DC metal self-lock hex nuts DIN980V
DEFL hexagonal flange nuts with serration DIN6923 ISO4161
DEAFL prevailing torque type hexagon flange nut with serration DIN6926 ISO7043
DEFZ hex flange nuts DIN6923
DEC hex domed cap nuts, high type DIN1587 UNI5721
DS hexagon weld nuts DIN929
DESL hexagon weld nuts – large key
DQ square nut DIN928
DG hexagon coupling nut 3D DIN6334 UNI5535
DL T nuts for wood
DA wing nuts DIN315 UNI5448
DTF anti vandal nuts
washers and springs
RN washers DIN125A UNI6592
RL body washers DIN9021 UNI6593
RC curved spring washers DIN137A
RG spring lock washers DIN127B UNI1751
RGR reinforced spring lock washers DIN127B UNI9195
RGR spring lock washers DIN7980
MT spring washers DIN2093
RSM shimmed washer DIN988
RDE serrated lock washers DIN6798-A
RDI serrated lock washers DIN6798-J
RDES serrated lock washers DIN6798-V
RZS knurled washer sim. Schnorr
RGZB epdm washers
RCS Contact washers close type
RCM Contact washers medium type
RCL Contact large spring washer
NL Nord Lock wedge lock washer
NLSP Nord Lock large wedge lock washer
snap ring
SE retaining rings for shifts DIN471 UNI7435
SI retaining rings for bores DIN472 UNI7437
SEP slotted spring pins DIN1481 UNI6873 ISO8752
SCL cylindrical pins DIN7 UNI1707
SCTR cylindrical pins temp. rett. UNI6364A DIN6325
SK grooved pins DIN1471
BF fully threaded rods DIN975
BFPF threaded with fine tip (1mt)
eye nuts
GM lifting eye bolts DIN580
GF lifting eye nuts DIN582
keys and edge keys
screws for concrete
VCF Multi Monti truss head
VCSP Multi Monti countersunk socket head
VCE hexagonal head with false washer
VCS/T25 testa ridotta con impronta TX T25
VCS/T30 countersunk head for TX T30
VCC/T30 reduced head for TX T30
stainless steel screws
VTEP hex. head bolts DIN931 UNI5737 ISO4014
VTET hex. head set screws DIN933 UNI5739 ISO4017
VTCEI socket cap screws DIN912 UNI5931 ISO4762
TCIX hexalobular socket cap screws ISO14579
TCLXI hexagon socket ultra-low head cap
VTCEIR socket cap screws low head DIN7984
TCRXI hexalobular socket thin head cap screws TX DIN7984 ISO14580
VSPEI socket csk head screws DIN7991 UNI5933 ISO10462
VBEI socket button head screws ISO 7380
VBSFRI button head special screw with pretend washer
TBFXI hexalobular socket flange button head screws TX ISO7380-2
VTEFR hex head screw with flange knurled DIN6921
VTTQST carriage bolts DIN603 UNI5731
VTED wing screws DIN316 UNI5449
VTC- slotted cheese head screws DIN84 UNI6107 ISO1207
VSP- slotted csk head screws DIN963 UNI6109 ISO2009
TBXI hexalobular socket button head screws ISO7380-1
VTC+ cross recessed ph screws DIN7985 UNI7687 ISO7045
VTSP+ cross recessed csk head screws DIN965 UNI7688 ISO7046
VTGS+ cross recessed rsd head screws DIN966 UNI7689 ISO7047
TCX hexalobular pan head screws TX ISO14583
TSPX hexalobular countersunk head screw TX ISO14581
VTBL+ recessed large pan head screws
VTBL- slotted mushroom screws DIN9330
SBEP Security hexagon socket button head screw
SBXP Security hexalobular socket button head screw
VTGS- slotted rsd head screws DIN964 UNI6110 ISO2010
VTC+ cylindrial head trilobular UNI8112 DIN7500C screw
TTCX thread rolling hexabobular pan head screw DIN7500C UNI8112 ISO15480
VTET+ hexagon head trilobular UNI8111 DIN7500D screws
DF wing nuts DIN315 UNI5448
self-tapping screws
ATC+ cross recessed pan head tapping screws DIN7981 UNI6954
ATCX hexalobular pan head self-tapping screw UNI6954 DIN7981 ISO14585
ATSP+ cross recessed csk tapping srews DIN7982 UNI6955
ATGS+ cross recessed rsd tapping screws DIN7983 UNI6956
ATEFL hexagon flanged head self tapping screw UNI6950 DIN6928
ATCCE hex socket head cap tapping screw UNI6947
selfdrilling screws
PTC+ pan head selfdrilling screws DIN7504N UNI8118
PTCX pan head selfdrilling screws ISO15481
PTSP+ csk selfdrilling screws DIN7504P UNI8119
PXTEFR12A2 hex self-drilling screws with false washer
TTC+ cross recessed pan head chipboard screws
TTSP+ cross recessed csk chipboard screws
TTGS+ cross recessed rsd chipboard screws
TTX hexagonal head screw
DEA hexagonal nuts UNI5587
DEM hexagonal nuts DIN934 UNI5588
DEB hexagonal thin nuts DIN936 UNI5589
DEUB hex thin nuts DIN439 UNI5590
DEAA nylon insert lock nut type P DIN982 UNI7473
DEAB nylon insert lock nut type T DIN985 UNI7474
DEFZ hexagonal flange nuts DIN6923
DEFL hexagonal flange nuts with serration DIN6923 ISO4161
DEAFL prevailing torque type hexagon flange nut with serration DIN6926 ISO7043
DEC hex domed cap nuts, high type DIN1587 UNI5721
DS hexagonal weld nuts DIN929
DQS welding square nut DIN928
DG hexagon coupling nut 3D DIN6334 UNI5535
DGG hexagon coupling nut 3
DTX anti effrazione
RN washers DIN125A UNI6592
RP washers DIN433
RL body washers DIN9021 UNI6593
RC curved spring washer DIN137A
RG spring lock washers DIN127B UNI1751
RGR spring lock washers DIN7980
RDE serrated lock washers DIN6798
RDI serrated lock washers DIN6798
RDV serrated lock washers DIN6798V UNI8841
RZS knurled washer sim. Schnorr
RCS Contact washers close type
RCM Contact washers medium type
RCL Contact large spring washer
RPR washer with EPDM gasket
NL Nord Lock wedge lock washer
snap ring
SE retaining rings for shafts DIN471 UNI7435
SI retaining rings for bores DIN472 UNI7437
SEP slotted spring pins DIN1481 UNI6873 ISO8752
SCL cylindrical pins DIN7 UNI1707 h8
SCL cylindrical pins DIN7 UNI1707 m6
BF fully threaded rods DIN975
cotter pins
COP cotter pins DIN94 UNI1336
edge keys
CHA round edge key DIN6885A UNI6604A
socket set
GPP hex socket set screws flat point DIN913 UNI5923
GP hex socket set screws cone point DIN914 UNI5927
GPC hex socket set screws cup point DIN916 UNI5929
eye nuts
GM lifting eye bolts DIN580
GF lifting eye nuts DIN582
high strength screws
VTEP hex head bolts DIN931 UNI5737 ISO4014
VTEPPF hex. screws DIN960 UNI5738 partially fine threaded
VTET hex head set screws DIN933 UNI5739 ISO4017
VTETPF hex. head DIN961 UNI5740 totally fine threaded
SBP hex head structural bolts partial thread ISO15048
SBT hex head structural bolts total thread ISO15048
TCEI socket cap screws full thread DIN912 UNI5931 ISO4762
VTCEI socket cap screws DIN912 UNI5931 ISO4762
TCIX hexalobular socket cap screws ISO14579
VTCEIR socket cap screws low head DIN7984
TCRXI hexalobular socket thin head cap screws TX DIN7984 ISO14580
TCLEI hexagon socket ultra-low head cap
VSPEI socket csk head screws DIN7991 UNI5933 ISO10462
VBEI socket button head screws ISO7380
TBXI hexalobular socket button head screws ISO7380-1
VBEIFL socket button head screws
TBFXI hexalobular socket flange button head screws TX ISO7380-2
VTEFR hexagon head screw with flange DIN6921
VSCB screws with beads for projection welding FIAT10453
VTCCE Socket head cap screw UNI5932 DIN912
socket set
GPP hex socket set screws flat point DIN913 UNI5923
GP hex socket set screws cone point DIN914 UNI5927
GC hex socket screws dog point DIN915 UNI5925
GPC hex socket set screws cup point DIN916 UNI5929
DEA hexagonal nuts UNI5587
DEAF high hexagon nuts UNI5587 DIN267 ISO8764 fine
DEM hexagonal nuts DIN934 UNI5588
DEMF hexagon nuts DIN934 UNI5588 ISO8673 fine
screws for concrete
VCE hexagonal head
BF DIN975 threaded with thick tip
brass screws
VTET hex head set screws DIN933 UNI5739 ISO4017
VTC- slotted cheese head screws DIN84A UNI6107 ISO1207
VTGS- slotted rsd head screws DIN964A UNI6110 ISO2010
VTC+ cross recessed ph screws DIN7985 UNI7687 ISO 7045
DEA hexagonal nuts UNI5587
DEM hexagonal nuts DIN934 UNI5588
RN washers DIN125A UNI6592
RT shorn washer DIN125 UNI6592
BF fully threaded rod DIN975
screws for roofing
selfdrilling screws
screws with gasket
VSR copper with gasket
VSX stainless steel with gasket
VTX stainless steel with gasket
VVX stainless steel with gasket
screw cups and washers
screw cup washer
screws for coverings
self-tapping screws
AATEFR hex head thread cutting screw with collar T/F
ATEFR cross recessed csk chipboard srews
VTPN poligonal head thread cutting screw
selfdrilling screws
PAZPX for steel with stainless steel BATZ
PAZP-ABG for-steel HH/FW spanner 10 with coloured BATZ
PTZ steel for wood hex head FW
PTZ for wood HH/FW spanner 8 with stainless steel BATZ
PTZP-A for wood HH/FW spanner 8 with coloured BATZ
PTZPA for wood HH/FW spanner 8 with alu EPDM washer d.19
PAXPX stainless steel bimetal screw HH/FW spanner 8 with s/steel BATZ
bolt screws
TTXPX stainless steel chipboard screw with s/steel washer and gasket BATZ
TTXRA stainless steel chipboard screw with d.16 aluminium EPDM washer
TTE hex wood steel screws DIN571 UNI704
TTE hex wood screws DIN571 UNI704
TTEFR hexagon leg screw UNI6950
washers and batz
caps for corrugated sheets
screws for plastic materials
Philips pan head screws
RTCX hexalobular pan head thread forming screw for plastic
Philips flat head screws
Pozi pan head screws
Hi-lo pan head screws UNI9707
Hi-lo flat head screws UNI9709
Hi-lo truss washer head screws UNI9708
TC- cylindrical head UNI6107 DIN84
TE hexagonal head UNI5739 DIN933
TC+ cylindrical head
TSP- countersunk plan head UNI6109 DIN963
TC- cylindrical head UNI1580 DIN85
TBL large pan head
binding screws
hexagonal nuts UNI5588 DIN934
hex socket set screws
for HH screws
for CH screws
pressure screws
Southco latches
light fixings
fast hammer plugs
nylon plugs
extralong nylon plugs
nylon plugs for insulating panels
nylon plug for insulation thermal
for frames
metallic light fixing with hook
fixings for drywall
heavy fixings
brass anchors
steel anchors
stainless steel anchors
steel anchors with clips
for countertop
chemical anchors
soldering and sealants
Rivit soldering iron and accessories
Perkeo soldering iron and accessories
Express soldering irons and accessories
soldering accessories
tin and braze welding bars
acids and accessories
torches for waterproofing
neutral silicone
acetic silicone
guns for silicones
adhesives and accessories
hand tools
straight cut
curved cut
for drill
nibbler shears
metal cutters
manual stud crimpers
hand seamers
double lever
simple lever
folding tools
tools for american roof gutter
hand seamers for seaming roof
work tools
tools for cutting
hole cutters
stepless drill bit
hole saw
diamond step drill
hole saws
hole enlargers
tools for blocking
self-locking pliers
grip pliers
tools for gripping
tools for hitting
tools for filing
tools for measuring
tape rules
meter rules and long tapes
tools for marking
metal sheet scribers
line reels
marker pens
work accessories
drill bits
for steel
mignon drills
double extra-short drill
extra-short roller drills
ground short drills
ground long drills
ground extra-long drills
other kind of drills
for stainless steel
mignon drills
high resistance short and standard drills
for concrete
cylindrical connection
SDS PLUS connection
SDS-4 connection
titanium drill
for wood
for gres-marble
for granite
accessories for screwers
Phillips PH insert bits
Pozidriv PZ insert bits
Torx TX insert bits
hexagonal insert bits
slotted insert bits
insert holders
socket spanners
open-end wrenches
ratchet wrenches
safety devices
fall protections
bending machines
manual bending machines
bending machines with segments
rollforming machines
shearing machines
leverage shearing machines
guillotine type
sheet shears
standard leverage shearing machines
punching machines
shrinking-stretching machines
forming machines
roofing accessories
pipe collars
threaded pins
PFA - zinc plated steel
spacers for collars
washers, copper wire and bands
screws for aesthetic embellishment
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hexagonal nuts UNI5588 DIN934
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Nylon knob nut 6,6 Natural M5
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